DoomedIndex Logo

Well Hello Doomers...

The DOOMED Index is an index for classic Doom's hardest maps to do a saveless, 100% completion of.  Extremely loosely inspired by Geometry Dash's Demon List and GDDP,  here is where you will find "challenge maps" ranked against one another through difficulty tiers,  and also annual competitions based on DSDA-verified UV-Max runs of said maps.  The impetus for this index was to help revive challenge maxing, as well as to centralize information on challenging doom maps.

To view more information about the competitions,  view the competitions page for information about the current competition,  and to view past competition results.  The winner of the most recent competition will always be displayed on this homepage.

Thanks to brendan for the idea to make this,  and also others who help with curating the index and organizing/participating in the competitions.

01/24/2025:  DOOMED Index Alpha 2.4


  • Added new maps for the index
  • Some small changes and fixes
  • Fixed Bounty/Top30 pages for mobile

01/23/2025:  DOOMED Index Alpha 2.3


  • Added new maps for the index

01/23/2025:  DOOMED Index Alpha 2.2


  • Added new maps for the index

01/22/2025:  DOOMED Index Alpha 2.1


  • Added new maps for the index

01/16/2025:  DOOMED Index Alpha 1.2


  • Added new tier: Marine. Goes between Fairweather and Veteran
  • Shifted some maps around tiers
  • Aligned navigation bar
  • Attempted to make color differences more stark for tags on tiers

01/14/2025:  DOOMED Index Alpha 1.1

Edited some index placements based on feedback, sorted each tier alphabetically, added concept of "rotational maps" for wads with redundantly/uniform difficulty and styled maps (Italo and DiE for now). Other minor stuff.

   - Kinetic

01/12/2025:  Welcome to DOOMED Index Alpha 1.0!

Some stuff and functionality will definitely be added here over time...for now just look over the site and try to notice rough parts of it,  bugs,  generally anything glaring in terms of the site's fundamentals. Thanks.

   - Kinetic