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Dimensions Map02



Map:  Dimensions Map02 (Walking in the Void)
Difficulty:  Jaded
Tags:  0-10 min, Medium platforming


Residing deep in an abyss halfway to nowhere, is Walking in the Void. This map has an imposing atmosphere, and its encounters are merciless. The first fight is frequently cited as the "Imp Fight", and the second fight is one of the more infamous fights of the wad, the "2x2" fight or the "Hell" fight as Jacek Bourne calls it. The map is also infamous for its upside-down platforming sections. The final fight serves as good practice for dealing with archvile rushes.

Maxed by:

  • Sturrum
  • brendondle
  • starduster
  • kinetic
  • avey
  • Crusador560

UV-Max Video:
