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Finely Crafted Fetish Film Map07



Map:  Finely Crafted Fetish Film Map07 (Mechanical Embrace)
Difficulty:  Elite
Tags:  30-60 min, Medium Platforming, Tricks (rj, avj, glide)


One of the most memorable and greatest maps of all time, it is nearly as hard as it is beautiful of an experience. Playing somewhat of an anodyne, mecurial poker face at the start of the map, it quickly unfolds into a series of unkempt violence and alienation. A cheese circumvents the most difficult encounter in the middle of the map, but the ending fight more than covers for that oversight. A few secrets require rocket jumps, glides, and AVJs.

Maxed by:

  • Daerik
  • starduster

UV-Max Video:
